ITS A BOY!!!!!!!!
Tom is so excited for the "Tillotson Brothers" to be on a doubles team for tennis. geesh! thats the first thing he thought of when the doctor told us the news!!!
We are planning on naming him Oliver Daniel and we are soooo excited. I am also secretly relieved its not a girl....I was really nervous about having a girl after being in boy mode this past year. I think by the time we have our third I'll be up for the major changes!!!
I can't wait for our little guys to be palling around with eachother in the sandbox and swingset!!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
My last blog as a Massachusetts Momma
We are packing up today and Friday morning Tom will be driving the UHAUL to Texas! We are staying with some family friends of the Tillotsons; The Romneys. Tom has been staying with them this past month and a half, and they are extremely gracious and generous to allow our family to stay there until we figure out what the heck we're doing. I'm sure I'll be able to post some fun pictures of Briggy as a Texan soon, but until then....
We'll miss you, We love you, Ciao!
Briggy and Momma
PS- We are finding out if we are having another boy or a girl this afternoon, so you'll have to wait in suspense until sunday when I can post it!!!!
We'll miss you, We love you, Ciao!
Briggy and Momma
PS- We are finding out if we are having another boy or a girl this afternoon, so you'll have to wait in suspense until sunday when I can post it!!!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Briggy's One Year Stats
I forgot to post Briggy's stat's after yesterday's appointment.
He had 3 shots (which were terrible, he screamed so intensely so no sound actually came out for awhile--he made the doctor so nervous because he held his breath for so long---but his face was BRIGHT RED!) Poor guy. Then he had his blood tested for anemia, which was even worse...they have the elastic thing tied on his arm while they pump out blood---I didn't think they did it the same way for babies as they do for adults! He sat on my lap in the chair at the lab for that, and that was brutal. Brig had a rough day at the doctors, but I really babied him for the rest of the day. Lots of "cookies" and milk and stories.
As you know from a few days ago Briggy took three steps. He hasn't repeated the feat as of yet, but I know he has it in him! He's been crawling/scooting since 5 1/2 months, and climbing and cruising since 8 I just expected him to be walking by now....but I've read when you have super fast/efficient crawlers/movers they are less inclined to want to try who knows. He can stand without holding on to anything....I guess I'll just have to wait and see what Brigham's plans are!
He is roughly 22 lbs (the doctors had a really hard time weighing him because he would not lay still on the scale) So he could be a little more or a little less.
He is 30 inches long and his head circumference is 18 inches. I think he is about 50%for everything, but the doctor wasn't very thorough in all of that info...she was a different doctor than Briggy normally has.
She asked if he has any words, but really the only things he says on a regular basis is Dada, Hiiiiiiiiiii, and Yea!! and very very RARELY he says mama. She said not to worry, since he is technically only "11 months" old, she said his vocabulary should be on target by 13-14 months.
This new doctor also made a comment about the "orangeness" of his face. I have been wondering about that myself, because he's had that for about 5 months now. She said it was something to do with his Beta Carotene intake. He does tend to eat more orange/yellow food...but I guess just because there is more of it. He eats plenty of green beans, avocado, broccoli and peas...but I guess it doesn't outweigh the other stuff....and this past month I haven't been pureeing my own I am at the mercy of the grocery store---whatever they have jarred!
I have been giving him Stoneyfield Organic Whole Milk the past few days and he likes it! (thank goodness!) I was worried because he wouldn't drink formula out of his sippy cup--only water and apple juice...but he's doing really good with milk.
This morning he had a big boy breakfast: French toast sticks and bananas! No more icky formula-cereal mush. (Thank goodness, that formula makes me gag every morning when I make and feed it to him!)
All in all, Briggy is doing AWESOME! He QUADRUPLED his take home weight which is EXCELLENT!!!! and is totally on track with everything. Can you imagine if he had been born full term at his projected weight...and quadrupled? He'd be about 35 lbs!!!
He had 3 shots (which were terrible, he screamed so intensely so no sound actually came out for awhile--he made the doctor so nervous because he held his breath for so long---but his face was BRIGHT RED!) Poor guy. Then he had his blood tested for anemia, which was even worse...they have the elastic thing tied on his arm while they pump out blood---I didn't think they did it the same way for babies as they do for adults! He sat on my lap in the chair at the lab for that, and that was brutal. Brig had a rough day at the doctors, but I really babied him for the rest of the day. Lots of "cookies" and milk and stories.
As you know from a few days ago Briggy took three steps. He hasn't repeated the feat as of yet, but I know he has it in him! He's been crawling/scooting since 5 1/2 months, and climbing and cruising since 8 I just expected him to be walking by now....but I've read when you have super fast/efficient crawlers/movers they are less inclined to want to try who knows. He can stand without holding on to anything....I guess I'll just have to wait and see what Brigham's plans are!
He is roughly 22 lbs (the doctors had a really hard time weighing him because he would not lay still on the scale) So he could be a little more or a little less.
He is 30 inches long and his head circumference is 18 inches. I think he is about 50%for everything, but the doctor wasn't very thorough in all of that info...she was a different doctor than Briggy normally has.
She asked if he has any words, but really the only things he says on a regular basis is Dada, Hiiiiiiiiiii, and Yea!! and very very RARELY he says mama. She said not to worry, since he is technically only "11 months" old, she said his vocabulary should be on target by 13-14 months.
This new doctor also made a comment about the "orangeness" of his face. I have been wondering about that myself, because he's had that for about 5 months now. She said it was something to do with his Beta Carotene intake. He does tend to eat more orange/yellow food...but I guess just because there is more of it. He eats plenty of green beans, avocado, broccoli and peas...but I guess it doesn't outweigh the other stuff....and this past month I haven't been pureeing my own I am at the mercy of the grocery store---whatever they have jarred!
I have been giving him Stoneyfield Organic Whole Milk the past few days and he likes it! (thank goodness!) I was worried because he wouldn't drink formula out of his sippy cup--only water and apple juice...but he's doing really good with milk.
This morning he had a big boy breakfast: French toast sticks and bananas! No more icky formula-cereal mush. (Thank goodness, that formula makes me gag every morning when I make and feed it to him!)
All in all, Briggy is doing AWESOME! He QUADRUPLED his take home weight which is EXCELLENT!!!! and is totally on track with everything. Can you imagine if he had been born full term at his projected weight...and quadrupled? He'd be about 35 lbs!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
YEA!!!!!!!!!!! We made it! Briggy is officially a BIG BOY!!! I can't believe it's already been a WHOLE year since we met our little guy. Briggy is honestly the sweetest most loving, fun baby I could have ever hoped for. He always gives kisses and hugs and smiles. He may drive us a little crazy with his high-pitched screams...but he means well. (and hopefully it will be a phase that ends soon!) We had such a fun family birthday. Of course the BEST PART was Briggy waking up to FIND HIS PRESENT...DADDY! It was just about the sweetest thing EVER when he saw him. He is very hyper and excited in the morning....He dove toward Tom and then rested his little head on Tom's shoulder for a few minutes, every few moments checking to see Tom's face making sure it really was his Daddy! I tell you...that little boy loves his Dad more than anyone or anything in this world. Of course I'm a little jealous--but its so genuine and sweet....I know they are going to have the best father-son relationship.
We had ALL SORTS of yummy snacks all day long. We had grinders, wings, chips, dip, hot dogs, kielbasa and saurkraut, and of course.....CAKE!
I made Briggy that sugar-free banana cake (which he loved) and topped it with a yummy cream cheese frosting that of course was BLUE! He loved eating it...but was a lot more delicate and suspicious of it than I thought he would be.
(Briggy watching his cartoons in his new stroller...He really liked sitting in it!)

(His Birthday Suit! Briggy was partying in style!)

(Briggy's Birthday Cake!)

(Briggy read each card very sweetly!)

(Briggy made snowballs with the white tissue paper from his gifts!)

Thank you Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles for celebrating and generous gift-giving. Briggy loves all his new toys and clothes. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
We had ALL SORTS of yummy snacks all day long. We had grinders, wings, chips, dip, hot dogs, kielbasa and saurkraut, and of course.....CAKE!
I made Briggy that sugar-free banana cake (which he loved) and topped it with a yummy cream cheese frosting that of course was BLUE! He loved eating it...but was a lot more delicate and suspicious of it than I thought he would be.
(Briggy watching his cartoons in his new stroller...He really liked sitting in it!)

(His Birthday Suit! Briggy was partying in style!)

(Briggy's Birthday Cake!)

(Briggy read each card very sweetly!)

(Briggy made snowballs with the white tissue paper from his gifts!)

Thank you Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles for celebrating and generous gift-giving. Briggy loves all his new toys and clothes. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Briggy-Bug My Little Love Bug
Briggy and I celebrated Valentines Day together by eating out with Grandma Urso and Auntie Dozie at the Rainforest Cafe. Briggy was dressed as my "little love bug" from head to toe. I bought out the entire bug/ant collection at Gymboree last year when I knew I was having a boy--that little ant is soooo cute! Anyway, Briggy had a great time squeeking and squaking at all the monkeys and creatures inside the resturaunt.

Valentines Day got EVEN BETTER when very VERY late at night I got a suprize vistor.....TOM! He flew all the way from Dallas to suprize me for Valentines night, and then of course to celebrate with Briggy the next day at his BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!
Can you believe it?!! Tom is the sweetest husband/father/friend anyone could ever hope for--somehow I was lucky enough to make him MINE!

Valentines Day got EVEN BETTER when very VERY late at night I got a suprize vistor.....TOM! He flew all the way from Dallas to suprize me for Valentines night, and then of course to celebrate with Briggy the next day at his BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!
Can you believe it?!! Tom is the sweetest husband/father/friend anyone could ever hope for--somehow I was lucky enough to make him MINE!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Holy Cow, My little guy is growing up!!!
In just a few days my little string bean will be ONE YEAR OLD! I am so excited for him to grow in his toddler years so we can play and make fun crafts together. This evening Briggy suprised me with a lesson of how QUICK and unexpected the growing up process can be.
I was sitting indian-style on the floor and had briggy on my lap. We were watching our favorite Hooked on Baby DVDs. Briggy loves it because there are cute cartoons that clap, sing...and little kids giggling through nursery rhymes. Anyway, we were watching and lately he has been really trying to stand up from sitting position. He mananged to do it a few times today, and this evening, he got up from my lap and stood up. He was standing pretty steady for a good while, and then something exciting on the TV provoked him to TAKE THREE STEPS towards the TV!!!! Briggy took his very first stepppppppssssssssss! yipppppppppppppie! I was so excited I could nearly contain myself. We were clapping together like crazy and shouting YEA!! WOW!!!! I wa hoping he would take a few more steps, but he just did a little more standing, but no more successful steps. I have a feeling he might be walking to daddy at the airport in a couple weeks *crossing my fingers* if not, im sure he will be a professional within a month or so!
Of course I am still battling with my camera, but even if it was working, I wouldn't have had it in reach. I am determined to fix the problem tomorrow and take pic's of my BIG BOY BRIGGER!
For whatever reason, right around the time Tom left (Jan 18th) Briggy as really been developing a lot of new skills. Of course I call Tom every time he does something new, but its just not the same :( I know Tom is struggling being away from his little guy, but we only have TWO WEEKS until we can play with daddy!
Sorry for no pictures, I know its not nearly as exciting. But I had to blog about my Brigger's amazing walking!! Go Brigs!
I was sitting indian-style on the floor and had briggy on my lap. We were watching our favorite Hooked on Baby DVDs. Briggy loves it because there are cute cartoons that clap, sing...and little kids giggling through nursery rhymes. Anyway, we were watching and lately he has been really trying to stand up from sitting position. He mananged to do it a few times today, and this evening, he got up from my lap and stood up. He was standing pretty steady for a good while, and then something exciting on the TV provoked him to TAKE THREE STEPS towards the TV!!!! Briggy took his very first stepppppppssssssssss! yipppppppppppppie! I was so excited I could nearly contain myself. We were clapping together like crazy and shouting YEA!! WOW!!!! I wa hoping he would take a few more steps, but he just did a little more standing, but no more successful steps. I have a feeling he might be walking to daddy at the airport in a couple weeks *crossing my fingers* if not, im sure he will be a professional within a month or so!
Of course I am still battling with my camera, but even if it was working, I wouldn't have had it in reach. I am determined to fix the problem tomorrow and take pic's of my BIG BOY BRIGGER!
For whatever reason, right around the time Tom left (Jan 18th) Briggy as really been developing a lot of new skills. Of course I call Tom every time he does something new, but its just not the same :( I know Tom is struggling being away from his little guy, but we only have TWO WEEKS until we can play with daddy!
Sorry for no pictures, I know its not nearly as exciting. But I had to blog about my Brigger's amazing walking!! Go Brigs!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Stinkin Camera
I have an ancient digital camera. I am grateful to have one, but its slow as heck and doesn't take very good pictures. It also junks out on me all the time. I think there's a battery issue. Anyway, I've taken a couple cute pictures of Briggy the past couple days and I have nothing to show for it.
My favorite was the other day when he refused to wear anything but my hankerchief. It was a battle to get clothes on him (its freeezing in my apartment!) but he was okay as long as he had my white hankerchief tied around his head like a babushka. My little Russian woman, Brigham.
We have been busy crawling through the obstacle course otherwise known as our apartment. Big boxes everywhere. Busy packing and busy missing Daddy. Superbowl sunday was fun--Briggy and I stayed with Grandma and Granddad for a few days.
Tom has been looking at houses down in Texas. Let me tell ya, its not as easy finding what we want as we thought it was going to be. The problem is...the market down there is NOT slow! Every single house that I have picked out has been sold or is pending. These houses are selling like hotcakes down there!
Here is a new home just built that we like, it has 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, A playroom and a bonus room. Its just shy of 3000 sq. feet and we like it alot. The lady who is selling it emailed me saying its going to be their feature home in some real estate parade of homes, so I bet this one will be sold this week, but we're keeping our fingers crossed!
Typical Texas home, I know...but it meets our criteria....
My favorite was the other day when he refused to wear anything but my hankerchief. It was a battle to get clothes on him (its freeezing in my apartment!) but he was okay as long as he had my white hankerchief tied around his head like a babushka. My little Russian woman, Brigham.
We have been busy crawling through the obstacle course otherwise known as our apartment. Big boxes everywhere. Busy packing and busy missing Daddy. Superbowl sunday was fun--Briggy and I stayed with Grandma and Granddad for a few days.
Tom has been looking at houses down in Texas. Let me tell ya, its not as easy finding what we want as we thought it was going to be. The problem is...the market down there is NOT slow! Every single house that I have picked out has been sold or is pending. These houses are selling like hotcakes down there!
Here is a new home just built that we like, it has 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, A playroom and a bonus room. Its just shy of 3000 sq. feet and we like it alot. The lady who is selling it emailed me saying its going to be their feature home in some real estate parade of homes, so I bet this one will be sold this week, but we're keeping our fingers crossed!
Typical Texas home, I know...but it meets our criteria....

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