I haven't been very good at blogging regularly and taking pictures...I don't know why, I need to be better about it! A few weeks ago I started Alphabet weeks as part of my teaching schedule with Briggy. He loves ABCs and numbers, so I thought this would be a good way to start off pre-k "homeschooling" I get a lot of great ideas and inspiration from these two blogs:
http://confessionsofahomeschooler.blogspot.com and
http://chasingcheerios.blogspot.com/ Confessions of a Homeschooler in particular has a lot of resources for Pre-K teaching and printables, etc. Sinces Briggy needs EXTRA sensory activities to really help him focus and just plain enjoy, I am really trying to find different activities that I can combine with the letter of the week. These photo's are from last week "week B" were we did a special activity with whip cream. I wanted to buy the cool whip in a can because its a little more dense and thicker than cream, but couldnt find any for some reason. Anyway, I've seen it done with shaving cream and thought I better get something edible because I know Briggy will try to eat it [which of course he did and thought it was so fun that it tasted like i-creeeee!] We also did a bubble activity that I wasn't able to get pictures of because my hands were all soapy and the bubbles popped before I could grab my camera! The tutorial for it is here:
http://www.somewhatsimple.com/2010/04/bubble-snakes.html I also have a big container [not shown in photos] of different dried beans that Briggy can dig through and find 'hidden' little toys. He loves that!

(do you see the purple swirly circle with the line coming down from it? he did that a few different times, but I figured I'd spare you of all my photographs of his drawings--Im just so impressed!)

I hope you can see in the photo's of his drawing how stinkin' artistic Briggy really is---Its actually pretty great for a just-turned 2 year old to be able to mimic so well my drawings of Balloons. He really has an artistic nature about him--I can't wait to see how it develops as he gets older! Lastly here are some pics of the boys outside enjoying the sunshine. Don't mind our icky not-grown patchy grass. Tom hadn't mowed it yet.

Oliver has been EATING and sleeping a lot lately. I think hes going through a little growth spurt....He scoots around in his little walker all day long! He loves that thing. Tom calls it his "TANK" Briggy gets nervous when Ollie starts coming at him [heck, so do I] that thing hurts when he runs over your toes! The video is really dark, but you can see Ollie cruising along [don't mind my nasally stuffed up voice--I've been getting over a cold...]

Last but not least, we tried to jazz up the front porch a bit with some decor...here's what it looks like now. There are still a few things I'd like to add...but it all depends on if I can score some good thrift shop finds! [I spray painted one of those log-rustic looking loveseats that originally was just a plain light wood--spray painted an old barn star that I used to have in Briggy's nursery and covered some old ratty throw pillows with burlap and painted on our initial and house number...and planted some pretty begonias and gerbera daisies]