On March 30th, Brigham was blessed in the Springfield Ward! Both set's of grandparents came as well as auntie dozie and uncle nicky! We had a really nice day. The weather was beautiful. We grilled some hamburgers and hot dogs, yummy salads and of course, auntie's bright blue cupcakes. Brigham was quiet throughout the blessing and sacrament and was deemed "handsome" by everyone! A special thanks to Matt and Travis who came from different wards to take part in the blessing. My favorite part of the Blessing is when Tom said Brigham will be an obedient boy, and also an obedient man. When he said that I had all these flashes of Briggy growing up, how handsome and sweet he will be, serving as a missionary, marrying some sweet molly mormon girl in the temple....he's only a few weeks old and I'm already marrying him off! just joking---he's going to be with mamma forever. Next tuesday I'll be able to report about his two month check up, but I do know right now he is 10 lbs. (I had his rash checked out by the doctor the other day--nothing major at all)
talk about marrying off! when I found out I was expecting i called a friend and she immediatley said yeah! if it's a girl she can marry my son , and if it's a boy he'll marry our daughter! probably wishful hoping on both our parts, but still it's fun to think about! and by the way Brigham is totally adorable!~
What a special day! Baby Briggy
looked sooooooooooo handsome
in his white outfit!
Oh Kelly, he's getting so big! I LOVE that you are posting all these special moments so we can all share the joy!
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