I have been meaning to post this info because i think it is so fantastic! my sister introduced me to this brand and she really likes it. I used to work for clinique when I lived in Utah and had a stockpile of makeup. Now its been a couple years and almost all of my supplies are dwindling. This makeup brand is called E.L.F. eyes lips and face! almost all of the makeup is ONE DOLLAR EACH and there are tools and brushes for A DOLLAR as well. Good quality, great colors...im excited. Im going to get a brand new set of makeup for the cost of a name-brand foundation! if you sign up they send you emails (like everyday) with coupons and deals (buy one get one half off...etc) I was thinking they'd be great for little happy basket gifts for our young women! anyway I thought Id share my find with all you lovely ladies! :)
Thanks for the info. I love makeup too. Right now I especially like lipgloss...
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