We were debating on what color to paint his room. At first I thought a khaki-ish color like a scouting uniform, because I didn't want a cliche blue boys room. But then after thinking about how the tree decals would look, we thought a sky-colored back drop would be best. We found "Calm Sky" from Olympic paint which is a really nice color. Its not too 'baby blue'...its very realistic and earthy.
Here are the pine tree decals I plan on buying from etsy.com-- I think I'll put about 3 of them up throughout the room:

I have a brown faux suede curtain panel for his room right now, but I'd like to top it with the valance from the woolrich line:

The REALLY cute twin quilt set its like 90 bucks, so I think I'll forego that and settle for a brown comforter set...but I think I might get these sheets:

Here's just a cute accent pillow from the woolrich line:

I just think this is so cute! I knew I wanted to incorporate lanterns in the room, but I wasnt sure how---so glad I came across this woolrich line!

The COOLEST PART! At first I envisioned a corner with a little pup tent and the log fire going...but then I saw these! These tents go OVER the bed, making there bed a tent! Isn't that soo cool? Can't you picture Briggy in a couple years with a flash light flipping through some books under there?

I think I want to add those glow stars on the ceiling too, to make it look like the night sky, and Im not sure if I want to paint the ceiling a darker blue, what do you think?
Briggy and Oliver will share the room when Ollie is 2, so Briggy will have his own room for awhile, but I think the room will look best when the two of them with their cool tents are together :)
I can't wait to get it all together for my little camper :)