Here's a pic of Briggy and Oliver's baskets before Briggy was able to attack them! Oliver got mostly clothes and small toys. Briggy on the other hand, got all big boy toys! Balls, Bubbles, Puzzles, Ring toss:

On the 15th, Brigham turned FOURTEEN MONTHS OLD!!! I can't believe how time is zooming and how fast he's growing. Brigham had a rough 13th month. He had a cold, an ear infection and now either a cold or allergies...we're not quite sure. We found out through trial and error that Brigham is actually allergic to Penicillian (they gave him amoxicillan as the antibiotic for his ear infection) The antibiotic they gave him (Omniceff) ended up giving Briggy really bad diarrea for about 2 weeks--he actually lost a little over a pound because of it! My poor little man. So he's back down to 21 pounds, but gaining weight slowly but surely. I've been guilty of adding a little butter on his bread and waffles just to boost up his fat intake...I got freaked out when the doctor told me about the weight loss.
Brigham is "sort of walking" Its strange really--he's been cruising since 8 months, around his one year took a few steps....then he sort of stopped for the 13 month (I think it had to do with him feeling so cruddy) but now hes taking 3-5 steps at a time, then plopping down. His hair is getting a little long and with the heat and humidity out here, it tends to curl a little on the sides by his ear and in the back....I think its about time I take him to get a little snip!
He's picked up (finally!) a few signs--more and all done. He can wave really well and say "hi" (sometimes) and he says "Yea! and yeahhhhh!" when he claps, and of course "Dadda" 24-7. I have been working on him to say Ball and Bubble....but no such luck yet.
He loves Elmo, Curious George and Sid the Science kid. He is still taking two naps a day (sort of) the second nap is a sometimes....he loves bath time with all his fun toys!
He loves to collect things, especially like-items and piles them up. He tries to hold everything he possibly can in his hands and gets the greedy-mischevious look in his eye (especially with his cinna-graham cookies) but if you open your mouth, he is always kind and generous and will share his smushed half eaten cookie with you---yum yum!
He is just as sweet as always--waving, flirting, kissing and hugging. He is such a little love bug! Everyone...I mean EVERYONE! comes up to him young girls, moms, old women, men, old name it! To cuddle and play with him--there is just something so endearing about him and he always has a fun big smile on his face! We all just can't get enough of Brigsy!

Thanks so much for the cute pics of Brigg's. He is getting soo.... big! We sure missed you at Easter! I hope all of you are feeling better.
Thanks for the nice card.
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