Today is Brigham's
15 month birthday!! This afternoon he got dressed in one of his 'cool guy' outfits (the Nike jersy top and shorts---one of my great summer steals from last year at Kohls...90% off=$2.80 per outfit!!)We headed off to the only place we ever go...Walmart. Briggy got to pick out a little present and he picked the BIGGEST BALL he could find! He loves balls--I only wish I could get him to SAY BALL! I think I say that word more than anything else...and MAMA..because I would like him to stop ONLY saying DADDA...I'm starting to get a complex! Anyway, Brigs had fun playing with the ball in the store, laughing and giggling like a crazed-hyena...everyone that passed by had to stop, laugh and toss him the ball. I wish I had my camera at the store because he had a great time! When we got home we played BALL BALL BALL for a little bit before's some BIG BOY 15th month old PICS!!!!

He loves to throw the balls in the laundry basket! Maybe my little Brigger will be an NBA star someday...Daddy would love that!
Msybe Brigg's will be an NBA star. Keep practicing Brigg's. My goodness,he has gotten soooo....... big!
I sure miss everyone!
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