It was a great fireworks display in our town, extra nice because we had an extremely well behaved Brigger on our hands. We laid out a blanket with some snacks and toys and he sat, ate and played on that blanket the ENTIRE night. He didn't even attempt to walk off and play around in the grass with the surrounding kids...I thought I was hallucinating! Very much not typical-Brigs behavior...but we'll take it!!!
I thought he might be frightened by the noise of the fireworks, but they were lit farther away so the noise wasnt too loud...and Briggy loved it! He clapped and cheered and sat with Daddy during the whole display!
*Thanks for being so good for momma and daddy, Brigs!!!!
I'm glad you got to watch the fireworks this year. The last couple of years we missed out. I'm glad Brigg's enjoyed them too!
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