What a beautiful day! We were surrounded by so much love, family and friendship---Its been quite awhile since we've seen Mom and Dad Tillotson...and it was wonderful---I really underestimated how difficult it was going to be moving so far from family....they all need to move here soon! Alot of Tom's close friends were also able to come. My aunt, cousins bobby (and his wife ashley) and andie were also able to come...it was nice to have a little representation from my side too :) My Aunt Katie took some great pictures of the day that I wanted to share with all of you!
Oliver Daniel Tillotson!

Olivers special cupcakes!

I love my little mans tie!

Briggy hammin' it up as usual!!

Bobby and Ashley gave Ollie this cute cozy little froggie. So cute!

Andie and Ollie. Awhhhh :)

Mommy loves her Ollie

Once you start..its hard to stop. He's so smoochable!

Bobby, Ashley and Brigham

Grand-dad fixing our mexican feast :)

Grandma takin' care of business in the kitchen!

Daddy holding Ollie

What a big boy Oliver is! almost four inches longer than his big bro at this age!!!

Silly dancing in his "undergarments"

Big smile for the camera! Brigs really livened up the party!

Sneaky, Sneaky! Briggy showed off his sneaky-skills by opening his bathroom door and making off like a bandit with tp! luckily for me the tp trail led me straight to the little stinker! Katie made sure to take a pic for proof! :)

Sweet little Briggy!

Andie, Bobby, Me and Brigs, Auntie Katie

Dad and I had such a great time with you! I'm glad we were able to attend Oliver's blessing. Thanks for sharing the kids with us.
It was great to see Greg, Nathan, Grant and wives!
Katie thanks sooo...... much for the pics! It was good to see you and your family again.
Wish we were there! Looks like everything turned out beautiful. Congrats!
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