I havent been taking too many pictures of Ollie lately...which is a little stupid, but he is soooooo scary looking right now (and I mean that in the most loving way, Oliver) His 4 month checkup is on wednesday, so hopefully the doctor can figure out whats going on and give us something to make him better--but he has crazy skin. Briggy had bad red bumps and cradle cap when he was a baby up until 4 months and then it pretty much just vanished one day. Olivers has been bad like Briggy's but he also has these hard calloused feeling bumps on his arms and legs. His facial "issue" was starting to clear up last week and I thought "finally!" it must be the same weird thing as briggy....but then a few days ago it got really thick and icky...and must have been extra itchy because Oliver rubbed his little face raw. I have him wear socks on his hands because its the only thing that covers (and stays on) his little claws. I was clipping his nails EVERYDAY and still the way he would dig in his skin gave him cuts all the time....but even with the socks he managed to make a disaster of his face. It looked so painful. I didn't know what to do, and since it was thanksgiving I couldnt call the doc, so I initially thought to cover it up so it could dry and heal over without him touching it, but that lasted about an hour before the bandages came off (as you can see in the pic) so then we searched for some of briggy's swaddles....all the swaddles up to six months DONT FIT OLLIE! Luckily, I remembered Devon sent us some and it was a little bigger so it JUST BARELY fit him! thank goodness...its the only thing keeping his hands away, and overnight the skin crusted over...and it looks....really bad. Im thinking its maybe eczema? I really have no idea, I havent seen any info or pictures online that look anything like Ollie's. Im just hoping its not some crazy skin disease or anything....I know its SOOO uncomfortable for him, because hes been so fussy, not sleeping well, and extra itchy and wiggly. Poor little guy. So thats my explanation of why I have like 5 new pictures of Ollie and like 20 of Briggy!

Very very cute!!!!!!!!!
I hope Oliver feels better soon!
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