I dressed the boys up in red smooches and took their photos today for Valentines Day cards! I thought they came out pretty cute. I was planning on having my sister Jessie make the red stand out more because she has photo-software...but I just used picnik and this is the best I could do on my own...I wanted to red kisses to stand out more, but whattya gonna do. She might get around to it soon...if not these are my backup plan. I know shes a crazy busy florist right around Valentines Day!
Tomorrow we are having a visit with a behavioral counselor to see what I can do to help Briggy with things. Crossing my fingers that questions will be answered and methods will work!!
More valentines goodies to come! Briggy and I worked on a banner for our front room today and its almost complete! I might be able to post it tonight if I get my act together!!!
What a cute idea! They are adorable. I just realized that ya'll are going to be here for Valentine's morning (Sunday, right?)...I'm sure we'll all have a love-ly morning together :)
Happy Birthday Brigg's!!
We love you! Wish we could be there.
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