This morning we hurried downstairs to see if Lenny found our Rainbow!
I can't believe Oliver will be 8 months on Saturday! He's not crawling or cruising around like Briggy was at his age, but hes getting the hang of sitting unsupported for a minute or two--hes just taking his sweet time. Thats kind of the over all personality he has. (He is VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Tom) Where is Briggy is much more like how I was as a toddler. Oliver is such a sweetheart. Such an observer---and LOVES PUFFIES! He literally starts to shake when you pull out the container and he starts going nuts and grabbing them like a free for all when you put them in front of him--its hilarious! This boy does not miss a meal! We had to purchase a convertible carseat (we actually got another one just like the one Briggy has) because he has exceeding the weight and height limit of our infant carrier! Oliver is about 20-20 1/2 lbs and Briggy is 30. Both my boys are growing like weeds!!!
Briggy looks so like hes up to no good in this picture. Hes got something all over his face--which I have no idea what it was---maybe twisler juice because I let him gnaw on one.....and he just tipped over his bike. Whoops!
Stay tuned for Oliver 8 month pictures and Naked PBJ...I'll post those tomorrow :)
Happy St. Patty's Day!!!!!!
It looks like the kids got some good treats!! Make sure Tom keeps his paws off the licorice.
Thanks soo... much for the cute pics!
Great pictures Kelly! What a cute idea to leave treats under the rainbow :) Oliver is looking so adorable, I love his pudginess!!
I love the rainbow idea. A friend told me that they used to set traps on St. Patrick's Day to catch Leprechans(sp?). They'd set a trap and put chocolate golden coins down to attract the little green fellas...Looks like you didn't need chocolate coins to attract the ones in Texas!
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