I bought some of the small ones {im kind of obsessed with these containers..they are $2 for the big, med. or small ones!}
I thought this would be great for the boys during sacrament meeting...or in the car...or anytime!
i think i might just buy all of these boxes. i love organizing buttons, crayon bits for the molds, paper clips...crafty stuff....im sure ill find more uses for them!
anyway, just thought id share...
Briggy likes lots of options and thinks its fun with his food choices in their own little box. i found these trays that ive had forever {or since my bridal shower!} and thought he would like his lunch served in one. He loves it! I was hoping they would have some different colored ones now in the summer section at walmart {because its already 50% off soon to be 75% off!} but I coudlnt find any! :( Oh well.
I decided on taking some advice from one of my favorite preparedness bloggers {preparednotscared.blogspot.com} and use a coloring coding system for the family. Each person {mainly children} are assigned a color. Briggy is blue and Oliver is green. So towels, toothbrushes, plates, cups etc. are all their own color and you know who's who's and who left their towel laying on the ground....hehehe. she has a lot of ideas and thats one I think is fun and practical. She has a large family and each member's color makes up their family flag {so cute} someday I want to do that, but for now its just us and our two rascals! I would really recommend her blog--she has so many great ideas, printables, recipes, fhe activities....everything. she is a pretty amazing lady! {look at me gushing over a complete stranger!}
thats all folks.....Ollies Banana's & BBQ party is rescheduled for this saturday so lots of fun photos will be posted asap!