They had them last night, but it had rained a lot, and finally did stop later in the evening before the fireworks show, but Tom thought soggy muddy ground wouldnt be fun--which I totally agree, but really love fireworks and am sad we missed them. Next year!
Today we tried feeding Briggy a hotdog, but he was pretty content on just eating doritoes {dipped in ketchup--yuck!!} and quite a few slices of watermelon. He would live off watermelon if he could! Its his favorite!!!
It was so hot outside after naps that we didnt stay out for more than an hour. Briggy played in the sandbox and got covered head to toe in sand, and Oliver swung in his swing and got covered head to toe in sweat!! all my boys are sweaty sweaty sweaty!!! Texas summers are so stinkin' just grateful im not pregnant this summer like last year--ughhh it was dreadfully hot lugging around a huge baby belly!!
Can you believe Mr. Oliver will be ONE YEAR OLD in just 2 weeks!?! We are throwing him a Monkey Birthday Party on the 17th, hopefully some friends and family will be able to come.
Its pretty much impossible for us to get a photo of all four of us, but we always try! here are a few pics from the day!
I hope you guys still enjoyed the 4th without fireworks! If it makes you feel any better, I didn't see any either. Luke was too tired and wanted to go to bed by 8, so I stayed home and Jeff took Addy. She was a little scared through most of it.
Happy Belated Fourth!Nice family pics! Dad and I watched the fireworks on tv.
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