a friend of mine asked if I wouldnt mind making one girl and one boy diaper cakes for some baby showers she will be attending this month. I was kind of suprized she asked ME since there are professionals who do this stuff--or even craftier chicks in the ward, but..hey! i like making them, and it would be a good first experience in "selling my wares" ha! well, I am IN LOVE with the girly diaper cake. SO CUTE. The boy one is ALMOST as cute as I'd envisioned, but I really struggled with getting the onesie {the top layer} to not look messy. it just didnt fit very well on the cake and as much as I've fiddled and pinned it, it still looks a little lumpy to me. Still very cute, but not PERFECT.
The lollipop girly diaper cake is 65 pampers diapers, 8 washcloths, a fleece recieving blankey and a onesie!
I plan on "serving" it on a hot pink tray with yellow polkadot paper for it to sit on.
Here is the back of the cake {which isnt as glam as the front--but its not supposed to be. Just wanted it to look a little bit finished in case it was used as a centerpiece}
The request for the boy diaper cake was to be blue and brown--when I was at the store and saw this cute blue and brown squirrel onesie, I knew that was my theme!
This diaper cake has 65 pampers diapers, squirrel onesie, fleece recieving blanket and cute nut, squirrel and other woodland creature cake toppers.
The NUTSO part of me wants to take it all apart and try to fix the onesie {i tried it on the second tier before and I didnt fit right either} but then the other part of me has lots of other projects that need to get done this week and I dont want to start over again! Do you think im being too critical and it looks fine? Be honest!
Here's the back:
I had fun making them. Im hoping some other ladies might ask her who made them and want me to make more...I would love to do different themed ones..there are so many possibilities!
While I was working on finishing touches this morning, this is what Briggy was *trying* to do....
THIS! hahaha! play bouncey ball and pee at the same time. NOT HAPPENING!
Love the cakes!!!!!!!!!
I hope you get alot of orders for them.
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