Today Tom and I took Brigham minature golfing--daddy and briggy won! This morning we tried on briggy's 3-6 big boy shirt and shorts and they fit! the shorts fit him well in the waist-bum area but are a little longer on him then i think they're meant to be...but thats alright, he just looked so grown up today!
To make up for my golfing loss, Tom and I went home and played a marathon of scrabble. I beat him all four games. My highest score was 311, pretty impressive, eh? :)
how cute is he!! He's getting so big kell--just growing so fast! I'm so happy you keep up with your blog so all of us who live far away can see how you & your cute little family are doing!! One request though, i wanna see some pictures of all three of you!!
Love you tons :)
Great pictures of Briggy!
He is looking alot like you Kelly.
Great job at scrabble!
Tom, better luck next time.
What a cutie little Briggy is! Can't wait to see him. And I have to agree with Grandma Tina, I definitely see mommy in Briggy.
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