Thats us. Happily married for ONE WHOLE YEAR:)
May 25th 2007 was one of the most wonderful days of my life (Briggy's birth and my baptism as close contenders)
One year later and I love my husband more than ever. I know a lot of people (especially my friends and i'm sure some family) didn't think that we knew eachother enough and that we were engaged and married too soon.
if it had been any other man, im sure i would have thought so too, but not my tom tillotson.
he is the most sweet, adoring, honorable, righteous and handsome man I have ever met. And now we have the most precious little boy. nope, i dont think it was too fast at all.
Happy 1st Anniversary!
May you both continue to have eternal happiness.Have a great day!
Happy Anniversary! Geez, I was going to call you guys today because I thought today was your Anniversary. I screwed up :(
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