It seems like I have been singing that non-stop for days. Lately Briggy has been INCREASINGLY wiggly and not very cooperative with diaper changing, the putting on of any garment, and sitting still for a millisecond while I attempt to take a photo. When I was pregnant with Brigham last fall, Tom won a stuffed doggie at a booth for him...it doesnt work EVERY time, but if I have him hold the dog and sing "HOW MUCH IS THAT DOGGIE IN THE WINDOW!!!" VERY ANNOYINGLY AND ENTHUSIASTICALLY!!!!
He usually is still enough to change. So lately, I've been dressing him in his doggie hat and slippers--I posted a picture of him in the brown doggie a few days ago, so I wanted to get a few of him with the white. Today, Briggy was NOT in the mood! He is way to distracted with crawling and climbing to be bothered with his silly mother.

I still have my GHETTO setup of boxes and random things to contain him and keep him away from dangerous things....but now hes figured out how to climb over the pillow and through the coffee table. Its his new fort. I am a constant nervous wreck with him....but I can't stop him!!!! Then right before his nap, he was trying to scamper away from me, and climbing over the box, he plop! landed right in the center of it. He actually sat in there for about 10 minutes sucking his thumb and watching tv. He is so funny to watch!

Life is crazy once they learn to move! That's why I'm enjoying Holly now...I put her down somewhere and she is in that exact same spot when I get back. I can't say the same for her brother though...he's always running around getting into trouble!
The Brigster is getting sooo.. big!!
He looks like a mischief maker.
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