I have a few questions that I need some advice on.....1. "Baby-proofing": We havent done much of anything as far as that goes. I just bought an extra tall gate to go on the top of the stairs, so Briggy can roam free from his room, the playroom and the open-craft room area, without me worrying that he will tumble down the stairs and land on the tile floor below....other than that, nothing else is in the works.
I am thinking of putting some lock system on the kitchen cabinets but haven't really found anything online that isnt ugly and works with cabinets with no knobs--
any of you know or use anything that could work?Do the outlet covers really work? I seem to remember my little brother and sister always able to pull them out when they were toddlers....and if there is a way to break or disrupt anything--Briggy is the toddler to do it!
2. I had Briggy in chilly chilly weather. He was so tiny I kept him extra bundled and swaddled with those swaddle-me wraps...love those things. Oliver is going to be born in 100 degree weather....Briggy slept so well being swaddled, I'm nervous that Oliver is not going to sleep as well because it will be too hot to swaddle....or
will he be okay swaddled if the ac is on and the house temp is between 70-75?3. I faced this problem with Briggy, but never really thought of it as a problem at the time. I fed him so often (every 2 hours for monnnnnnnnnthhhhhhs) that his diaper would need to be changed at every waking during the night....and I would be nervous that if I didnt change him before I fed him, his diaper would overfill...so I would change him first when he woke up, then feed him....but that was usually pretty loud and miserable because he would be crying so loud and hungry....
what is the right approach to those nighttime feedings? Change first then feed, or feed, change....sleep for two hours....feed then change? Am I making sense? I feel like I'm not...but I don't know how else to explain it. I'd just rather not have Oliver screaming up a storm because he'll be in the room with Tom and I and I want Tom to be able to sleep!
When should Oliver be put in his own room? With Briggy I had him in his own crib a few days after we came home...but his room was right across the hall from me, so I felt a lot better about it. In our new house, Tom and I are on the opposite side of the house, and on the first floor--where as the boys rooms are upstairs. I'm a nervous wreck as it is now with Briggy being so far from me, I am convinced that with a brand new Oliver, there is no way I could handle that...especially because I'm waking and feeding him so frequently the first few months.....also, we decided against buying another crib--because we plan on transitioning Briggy from crib to twin bed at 2 years old...which will put Oliver at 6-7 months. In the mean time we planned on Ollie sleeping in the pack-n-play....do you all think thats a good or bad idea? I just didnt want to end up with two cribs in 6 months....
Baby monitoring: We have a Graco monitor that we use for Briggy so we can hear if he's breathing okay and not crying...(yes, I still check on him and poke at him at least 3 times once I put him up for bed to hear if hes breathing....you think I would have gotten over that by now....and no,
to those of you who tease me, he still does not have any pillows or blankets in the crib with him...but I do let him have Monkers in there with him!) When I have Ollie upstairs in his own room (age yet to be decided) should I get another monitor system for Ollie, or have him use Briggy's? I just worry about not being able to hear whats going on in Briggy's room--especially when he starts using the twin bed....
I think thats all the questions I have for now...I feel all nervous now that Ollie is really REALLY on his way. Everytime I tell someone im 33 weeks--they're like...oh gosh! do you have everything ready!!? thats so soon!!! and it is soon...and everything (for the most part) has been ready for the past couple months....but I still have a few kinks to work out!
Thanks for your advice in advance!!