Tom gave a talk at church and also is the gospel doctrine he went to church while Brigs and I stayed behind....Church with Briggy really stresses me out..especially when I have to rangle him myself, I just knew I wasnt going to be up for it today...I've been having a lot of unpleasant pains and braxton and hicks we napped, ate lunch and made daddy a cake while he was gone.
Briggy helped mommy crumble cookies for the cookies n cream cake--needless to say he got pretty messy...daddy came home just in time for briggy's bath--so the two of them played and splashed together while I finished up the cake and dinner preparations. On the menu? Tom's request of a huge steak and loaded potato salad--no onions (my favorite) and extra cheese and bacon, Tom's favorite "blue" mountain dew and of course the cookie cake. (with a layer of chewy brownie in the center--yum yum)
After the bath we hung out in the playroom together and I was able to get a few pictures of them coloring together!
We just put briggy to sleep...but he's screaming at the moment...he does not like to go to bed when he knows daddy is home...honestly, I've never seen or knew of such a daddy's boy in all my life. I was just telling tom how it kind of hurts my feelings when I see other babies call out to they're moms "MAMA!!" she they walk away or the dad picks them up....Briggy always goes to Tom no matter what!!! I feel like chopped liver!! But I am glad they have such a special connection. They are just two peas in a pod....maybe Oliver will be a mama's boy!
I hope Granddad Tillotson and Grandpa Urso have a Happy Fathers Day...wish we could spend it with you you and miss you!



LOVE all the color in the room. And Briggy is so so so cute coloring!!! Happy happy life!
I think it's cute to have a daddy's boy. but if you think Briggy's bad you should see my nephew he doesn't even allow my brother to take a shower without him, he'll cry and scream and kick the door. he is a total daddy's boy! Sounds like a fun Father's day!
Happy Father's Day Tom! It sounds like you had a great one! A delicious breakfast and dinner what more can a man ask for.
Briggy is getting soooooo big!
What a cutie pie!
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