Those of you who know me and have seen Brigham's closet know that I went a little over board buying clothes for him (before he was born)...and have continued to....I can't help myself. When you can get these ridiculously cute 30 dollar shirts for 2 or 3 dollars....I mean, who could resist? The prices are better than Walmarts and the quality is ten times better....most all of Brigham's outfits will work for Oliver, but the 3-6 month age was summer for Briggy and will be chilly here during november and december...I also was hoping to pick up some matching outfits for pictures with my two boys....I am a dork, but I took a picture just to show off my cute new finds. My favorite is the red, blue, yellow and brown striped sweater with the matching hat with the brown tassles on either side...seriously...can you even imagine how CUTE Ollie is going to look in that?!!? that sweater was less than 2 dollars--I had my eye on it last season for Briggy but it was wayyyyyy expensive. I'm pretty sure this will be national--but the sales lady said that they are going to really try to get rid of all the out of season (fall-winter 08) stuff by the end of the month, so they are going to slash the clearance prices again during the week of the try to get to a Gymboree soon! If I get an email with any coupons or info I'll post it...
It was so weird buying those big boy sweaters for Briggy...they seem huge compared to the 3-6 month ones! My little monkey is growing fast!
PS--We had our first appointment at the Baylor Dallas office which is where I will actually be having the baby (I can guarantee I will NOT be out of state this time around!) I have two main midwives and I met the second one for the first time today. She moved here from Idaho, has 6 naturally I ask her if she was LDS---she is! I just get so excited when I meet other Latter Day Saints! I really lucked out with my midwives here, they are really nice--just as nice as my Mass midwives...I have nothing against them, but I think midwives are the way to go when having a baby!!!

(I even got $25 in gymbucks today...score!)
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