Right after Thanksgiving dinner was done, I started searching and pulling out all of our Christmas boxes. I am convinced we are missing a box, because there are quite a few decorations I remember buying last year at the Christmas Tree shop Clearance sale that are no where to be found--and I know Grandma T gave us a gingerbread house kit and I can't find that either...I am going crazy looking for it, but I've checked every nook of the garage and all the storage closests and NOTHING! The decorations are a little sparse in the front room area (and non-existent) on our front porch area except for a wreath--I hope I can snag some good clearance deals after the holidays this year...I REALLY WISH we had a Christmas Tree Shop down here in TX....
Our Christmas Tree! Nestled in the corner of our family room--Hopefully Briggy can keep his paws off the decorations, he's been pretty good so far...I have to take some picture of him and Oliver in front of the tree later tonight....

Our entryway table.

A little arrangement on our diningroom table. I made the two little cardinals smooching!

We made these plates the other night during an Enrichment activity! I love vinyl lettering!!! I thought this font was fun and so adorable. It'll be a tradition for us to put cookies on the cute plate every year!!

Going up the stairs to the "kid zone" I put up some kid-friendly decorations. Auntie Amy, Uncle Jeff and Addy gave us the nativity scene last year, fun fun fun!
Very nice Miss Kelly!
I love the Christmas plate!
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