We tried to not think about how much we missed our families--but that didn't last long. It just doesnt seem like a holiday without grandmas and grandpas, aunts, uncles, cousins....hopefully we'll get more used to it being this way....it was still a lot of fun--of course Briggy always adds an element of fun and disaster to any occasion. Tom dressed up as Santa so the boys would get a sneak peek at the Big guy in Red that gave them so many fun toys! Briggy was pretty much oblivious to Santa, and just wanted to look at and open presents! It took him a little while to figure out how to open the presents--its OKAY to rip, Brigs!!! I had said that so many times, because he kept looking at me like we were doing something wrong by shreading the paper! Once he got the hang of it he went WILD!

The last little bit of snow left on the ground Christmas morning! (We got a dusting the day before)

Thanks so much for the Christmas pics. Dad and I missed all of you this Christmas.I wish we could have been all together this year maybe,next.
We wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year. We love you very much!
Take good care of our sweet grandbabies.
Looks like Santa really unloaded at the Tillotson home! :) Next year we will have Christmas together....even if it's not exactly on Christmas day. We're hoping you will come for Thanksgiving next year. I know you'll need to be home for Santa on Christmas day, but maybe we can spend Christmas on another day?
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