Anyway, my parents bought briggy these really cute white stride rite sneakers that look alot like the one's my dad has (minus the velcro) and the black rockports will be nice for church.
Briggy's feet grew so fast this past month, all the size 3's or 4's I used to be able to squeeze him in, hes about a 4 1/2

In other non-related briggy news, we have been DESPERATELY trying to get my mother to darken her hair for the past....decade. She is naturally a brunette, but starting dying it very VERY blonde. We passed by a salon/beauty store that sold wigs. We convinced my mom to try on some looks to see if she liked it. Here are some good shots...we bought the shorter wig--shes going to wear it for the next couple weeks and get used to it, and then she plans on getting it colored and cut...I think it looks great.

I always get shoes for Brock at Target. I try and stock up when they go on clearance, they may still have some if you want to check it out. I found 3 pairs for less then $4 bucks each. I got them in bigger sizes {6-9} so I'll have at least one pair for when his feet get to that size.
I agree with Jocelyn...Target is a great place to get shoes. They hold up well and are pretty darn cute too. Never buy shoes at Walmart...they fall apart so easily!!!
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