You probably can't tell from the pictures, but hes wearing one of his "texas outfits" when the horse/cowboy gymboree outfits went on sale, I pretty much cleaned them out of 12-24 months.
I wasn't planning on him wearing these yet, but he's just about outgrown all his other pj's. I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY want the cowboy boots they have at gymboree, and they are marked down...but they're still at $18. A little too rich for my blood. I'm hoping they'll get marked down by the time I go back again next week....cross your fingers :)

Go to town Briggs!!!!!!!!! Yum.
grrrrrrrrrr...i just got back from gymboree and the cowboy boots in briggy's size were all gone...and they were marked down to $6.99
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