Here are a few pictures from BRIGGY'S FIRST CHRISTMAS!
(a shot from the balcony before we tore open all the presents...see what I mean--we really DID make out like bandits!!!)

Briggy and Addy had so much fun opening all of their gifts!!

I just love this booty shot. His reindeer pj's were really cute (and cuter with reindeer slippers he QUICKLY kicked off...oh well)

Love you mama! Briggy has been very affectionate since getting so many new toys. Lots of hugs and kisses for everyone.

We got some cute pictures of Briggy and Uncle Jeff. Briggy thought he was pretty cool.

During the week, cousin Addy became a professional walker, Brigham was in heaven crawling ALL OVER his grandparents sprawling home (poor brigs is confined to "Briggy's clubhouse" at home!) We ate great food, played fun games, and laughed over and over again at grand-dads BUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE BEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
We also were able to see DISNEY ON ICE! in Providence. Wow! It was so fun! I have never been to an ice-skating show before....of course it was Briggy's first too...and he had a blast. He really enjoyed the loud action scenes, all the lights, and scoping out all the little kids near us!
New Years Eve was really fun. All of us grown-ups had a Murder Mystery Dinner (Death by Chocolate) It was my first time every playing one, and it was sooo neat! My character was Dr. Doris Johnson, an archeologist that specialized in Aztec culture. Tom played an American Boxer...Mike Bison!

Brent was Dr. Sigmund Fraud, Tina was an abstract artist Marchioness Duchamp, Jeff was Chocolate Betrand a Chocolatier, and Amy was a former beauty queen creeping up in years--Dame Barbara.
It was set in a Parisian hotel in the year 1900. Amy made chicken cordon blue, spinach salad with pears, nuts and a zesty basil dressing and a creamy mushroom sauce over fettucine. Yum-o.
Brent was in charge of appetizers, so of course we had tons of meat and cheese!
I was in charge of dessert, so going along with the theme we had a chocolate fondue with all sorts of tasty dipping treats.
We finished off 2008 with a smooch and a glass of alchol-free champagne and quickly fell asleep! So much for my youthful days of partying until 4!
Overall, we had one of the Best Christmases EVER....We are so grateful for our Lord Jesus Christ and the miracle of life and love we all treasure because of Him. We are so grateful for our little Brigham and know he had the best week EVER! Thanks grandma and grand-dad for letting us crawl, eat everything in sight, and get finger prints on everything (sorry about that)
We love you!!!
Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! WE wish we were there..maybe next year if it's not in Mass. We don't do the cold and snowy, too many flight issues.
Thanks for the pics Kelly! I may have to steal some from you now that our computer is dead. We had such a great time!
Dad and I had a wonderful Christmas! Thanks for sharing it with us. I hope we can be all together next year.
Thanks for the pics!
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