Then I cut a circle. The two hands were placed on either side of the circle to create a spider (with a few extra legs!) Then we added googley eyes. So it made a cute little spider. I guess the visual would help....sorry. But this holiday I am on the ball, and remembered to take a picture. This time I made one for each set of grandparents too!
For Thanksgiving, I made a Briggy Turkey! I traced his feet (in shoes) for the body, traced his hands for feathers, and added googely eyes and that gobble turkey "accessory". This time, I attached the turkey to a large binder clip, that way I could slip in a VERY SPECIAL picture (Cant show it---its a suprize!!! You'll have to wait 9 more days!!!)
See how cute? I love how it preserves the size of his little appendages! I'm going to keep doing this with all the holidays...I can use them as holiday decor as well as a picture holder to showcase a seasonal Briggy pic! I think next year I am going to make a little indian boy, and use his hand tracing as the feathers in the indian boy's head band. I can't wait until Brigham can get more involved in these little projects...
Take a gander:

I really love using binder clips as picture holders. And they really make nice (and inexpensive) gifts.
I haven't made too many yet, but they are on my list! Just in case any of you are interested, I found a girl that was nice enough to film a quick tutorial on how to make them! I prefer making a set that spells out a saying (joy, love, etc) cute, fun, easy!

Here's the Tutorial!
cute crafts! Where do you get all these cute ideas?
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