My brother-in-law carved this terrifying pumpkin! I forgot to post it on halloween....but still worth a cameo on my blog! I've got two days left of my palin-itis, and then hopefully her name will be long forgotten....
Don't the fangs and devilish horns suit her well?
Vote for a friendly face; Vote OBAMA!!!!!!

No, but it suits him well...lol..NOBAMA....You set yourself up for that one.
obama stinks i dont want you to vot for him love sariah t
Poor Sarah!
What's that suppose to mean Jenn? I hope you're not judging???
I am not judging anyone! :) All I meant was that I like Sarah! I feel bad for her that she has had such a rough time in this election being judged herself. =) No hard feelings from me to anyone. I certainly hope that no one took my comment wrong, particularly Kelly! Love ya lady!
Oh, I thought you were talking about my Sariah who wrote before you. Sorry..Yes, poor Sarah! Sariah and I like her too. My husband on the other hand dislikes them all..lol..But he'll vote with me on the one who has our same standards...Sorry again...I've been attacked before by a crazy person on here...lol
No worries! Thanks for the clarification. I thought I hurt someone's feelings :/ !
how come my blog posts are always so controversial?! :)
i love all you palin-lovin' gals.
poor sarah! heh, i think the barracuda can handle it.
I don't think there's anything evil about Sarah-- just all the media portrayal of her is evil (I just think it's sad that people actually buy into it). NOBAMA!! Sorry, we won't be voting for the Obama ticket for NUMEROUS reasons.
McCANT..that was lame--I just couldn't think of anything quick enough to counteract the Nobama....I don't think the media portrays Governor Palin as evil--I think they portray her as dumb....and I don't even think shes dumb...just under-qualified.
im not sad, im happy! Obama's gonna win!
Obama may take our state Ca because of nasty LA and San Fran, but we're praying McCain will take your state Amy...Oh yeah, YES ON 8..lol You should see the No on 8 new commercial it is disgusting...they attack our church and missionaries. EVIL!!Look it up.
Oh yeah, Sariah went with me to vote today. They gave her an I voted sticker, she was so proud. She insisted she go with me before school. I'm so proud of her!!
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