An elderly man in our ward, Brother Gushue, (In his late eighties...fiesty as ever! (Tina will attest to that!), made this wooden train set for Brigham! I'm not exactly sure what the occasion is for...I think its just because he likes Brigham! He is always telling me what a blessing my little boy is! Brother Gushue is sure handy! I can't believe he made this HOMEMADE! I just think its the sweetest thing ever. I know he doesn't probably read my little ol' blog, but THANK YOU! We are so grateful for your kindness and generosity! Briggy of course thought it was the neatest thing ever.....He still is at the age of putting everything in his mouth, so I think in a few months, He'll really get a kick out of it.
He even made me and Tom a little gift--a key hook-holder and a pencil/pen holder.
Take a look!

He made Sariah a cradle years ago!
Little Brock also received a train from Brother Gushue. I can't wait for him to grow up a little bit more so he can really start playing with it. Brother Gushue has been a big influence in Ryszard's life so I know our little train will mean a lot to Brock as he grows older.
Brother Gushue has been very good about making wooden toys for the kids in the ward. He has made Brent and I a few things also. Brother Gushue even made Sariah a cradle and I hand delivered it to Calif.
Thank you Brother Gushue! You make the kids smile!!!!!!!!!!!
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