On Wednesday evening we drove up to Grandma and Grand-dad Tillotson for a wonderful Thanksgiving feast! Thanksgiving was a great day, filled with a little-itty bitty suprize.....
Look at my little turkey! Isn't he delicious? I quickly dressed him in the costume when he woke up, then put him back in his crib (knowing he'd be moaning to come downstairs and join the fun) Well, we all know "Baby Hog" Grandma would jump at the chance to go get him....so she went on up, and to her suprize, there was a little turkey squaking away!!! We included a picture of him dressed up in those "growing up crafts" turkey holder. Pretty cute!
Brigham is always going to think his grandparents are way cooler than us---because THEY have an awesome jungle-ball pit fun house! Brigham had so much fun in there! Here are a few shots from his exciting day!

Even Daddy joined in on the fun!

We hope everyone had a beautiful thanksgiving; that they were able to reflect on all of their blessings, enjoy the company of loved ones, and enjoy a delicious dinner.
We love you all!
I love the turkey!! Soooo cute!
Thanks for spending Thanksgiving with us. We had a great time!
I love the turkey costume, Briggy looks soooooo cute! Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks! Oh yeah....Addy received a special package in the mail, she LOVES her dress-- tell Briggy thank you! We already wore it yesterday :)
Hello Tillotsons! I just saw the link to your blog from Kate's facebook profile and thought I'd take a look and say hello. Feel free to check out our blog: funwithkevinandmichelle.blogspot.com. Hope all is well!
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